*Vectorportal, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons*
This, my personal website, has been under the weather for quite some time. I had set it up using Namecheap-hosted Wordpress many years ago, then let it lie fallow ever since. At some point in the past year or so, the Wordpress instance stopped working, and I didn't even realize it until this month.
So, it's time to bring the site back to life. This time, I'm broadening my horizons by avoiding any dynamic server-based solutions, and am instead going with static content and old-school hand-crafted HTML/CSS/JS.
Because I'm not a *complete* masochist, I'm using Eleventy and Bootstrap[Edited to add] A week later, I decided to skip Bootstrap and learn some CSS basics instead..
My front-end implementation and design skills are lacking, to say the least, but at least this will force me to learn something.